Saturday, April 9, 2016

Enjoy Life and Take a Chance

This song is pretty awesome-I was looking up to see if there was a Ratchet and Clank Movie soundtrack with the movie coming out soon (And it's totally wicked from clips and trailer I've seen. :) A BETTER Movie adaption of an awesome game than that Angry Birds movie-no offense). Anyway I stumbled across this song last night-very addicting, yet encouraging and inspiring.

Live it Up from Owl City-As I listen to it over and over (And I had bits of the song in my head today while I was working today-talk about a song in your head), it tells how you should take chances and risks when they come into your life-Carpe Diem: Seize the Day! To live life every day as if it was your last, to enjoy every moment, every minute, every hour-take chances and risks, have an adventure, do something unexpected and crazy.

An underdog can become a top dog by showing everyone what he/she can do, what one is capable of when they are tested or want to prove a point or show the world just how incredible they are. To pursue your dreams and reach for the stars, to feel alive and live life in your own way that makes you happy and energized.

So let's live it up and enjoy life, try new things to discover what interests us, what we can improve on, what we are capable of by trying and live life the best way we can.

Friday, April 8, 2016

When Life gives you Tomatoes

This is quite a funny quote that I've came up with by myself-it was inspired by my favorite Movie "Dr. Seuss's The Lorax" (2012). In the scene the Once-ler is trying to sell his Thneed in Greenville, but each time he tries to sell it and about to sing a song-people throw tomatoes at him, but he kept trying even if a little girl destroyed his guitar-HE NEVER gave up (Well when he got very frustrated after many days he did-but surprisingly the thneed became popular and everyone wanted to buy it when the thneed proved itself on its own).

But you know what I learned from that scene? Life can be challenging, hard, difficult, even troublesome at times-even when your trying to make your dreams come true, there's gonna be those who don't believe in you or think that it's impossible.

When life throws tomatoes at you, just catch those tomatoes and make tomato soup out of it-or a pizza, don't let it splatter all over you and pile you in its juices and peels. You gotta catch those tomatoes in a basket and make something out of them. 

Ya know the old saying, "Life gives you lemons, make lemonade." Well the same goes for Tomatoes-when life gives ya tomatoes, make tomato soup or pizza out of it-even tomato juice.

Believe me-I went through many hardships in my life: Being Bullied in school, finding a job, dealing with issues and situations. And at times I had a few tomatoes on my face, but I kept moving forth, catching the ongoing tomatoes charging at me and make a pizza out of it-and sometimes tomato soup (Which is very delicious with croutons or grilled cheese to go with it). I never gave up: I ignored the bullies as best I could, I studied hard and even graduated as Saludictorian in high school (Valedictorian in 8th grade), got my Bachelor degree in Library Science AND even found a job as a shelver at my local library.

So remember-if Life should throw tomatoes at you, don't be bombarded and covered in them-make something out of them-especially a delicious pizza. Don't let nobody stand in the way of your dreams-even if one dream is to run a pizza joint with unique flavors nobody has ever heard of.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Bonds Between Worlds

I'm a dragonfly 
Who flies alone
Yet in life
This dragonfly
Wants to fly 
In a group than solo.

Though there are times
I want to be alone
To be with my thoughts
Have some serenity
But what is harmony
Without discord?

I envy the people in reality
Who have somebody to be with
A pack to run off on wild adventures
I just wish they could invite me
Along for the ride-even if it was for a day
To feel like that I belong with them.

I want to connect to people
But it's tough to form a bond
Like tying together a rope
To make a perfect knot
When I try to make one
It just looks distorted.

Is it because of my ADHD?
Is it because of my uniqueness?
Is it because I cling too much?
Maybe it isn't because they don't
See through the shell of a clam
To see the beautiful pearl within.

Reality can be tricky
Digitality is much easy
For I know I have people
Here in the digital world
Who welcome me with open arms
There for me if I ever feel down.

But Reality isn't bad either
For as an old saying goes
Your more happier with few
Than having thousands of friends
Because those closest to you
Will always have your back.

That goes for Digitality
The friends that I have
Will always be there for you
No matter if you live a part
Because their close in my heart.

Sometimes I am clouded with doubt
Caught in a sea of despair
When thinking such lonesome thoughts
But there is a hand reaching in
To bring me back to the Land of Happiness
Because my friends are with me.

Maybe I think too much on loneliness
In the real world to realize that
I have bonds with a few in reality
That are close to me just as the bonds
Of those in digitality are to me
I have a web of bonds without knowing myself.

The Web of bonds that trascend 
The two worlds of reality and digitality
I've made a bond with incredible people
Who enjoy my company as I enjoy theirs
The times we spend together are precious in reality
Just as the times in digitality are also precious.

This dragonfly isn't alone
I have my own flock to fly with
Even if their far away from her home
With a few nearby to converse
I'm happy to know that I have friends
In Reality and Digitality.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Mental Independence

They say were strange
Lazy, underachievers, fools, odd, eccentric
They don't got a clue about us
Don't got all the facts to separate from myth
They don't care about our well-being
Castrating mentally disabled from the herd.

They say their just a fable
An urban myth to cover an excuse
For tricky disorders like ADHD and others
I'm living proof that breaks the mold

I'm an achiever with a dream
What makes me weak
Just makes me stronger
Uniqueness is the new norm
Being abnormal is in
Normal is over-rated.

Tired of being discarded
It's time for acceptance
To spread awareness for all
Mental justice for everyone!

Mentality needs nurture
Like a seed needs care
Make a garden of flora
Than a garden of dread.

Look with your heart
Than your deceiving eyes
To see the problem within
That it's in there clear as day
More physical hidden in sight.

Fragility of the mind
Is a precious crystal
That can crack to pieces
If not taken special care
So it can shine like the sun.

Tired of being pushed around
Not being taken seriously
Like the other disabilties
I'm here to shout out
For mental freedom.

Time to break the chains
That have oppressed us
Lets show them
That we deserve
Mental independence for all.

Ode to ADHD

Attention Defeceit Hyperactive Disorder
Split the letters out of the words
You get ADHD out of them
Let's take a closer look
Find out another meaning
To the condition.

A is for achiever
Accomplishments with honors
Passing with flying colors
A confident being with spunk.

D is for diligent
Quick on your feet
Sharp as a tack
Ready for the challenge
To take on tasks
And complete them right away.

H is for hope
Keeping the faith
Looking at the bright side
Turn things around
Hanging onto your dreams
Working to make them true.

D is for dynamic
A real go-getter
You get back up
When you fall
Not taking no
For an answer.


No matter how you spell it
Nor how you may look at it
It has many meanings
You take a closer look
And play around with the words.

Blog Under New Name and Management-Big Changes

It has been a few years since I've written in this blog by posting two posts of my Little Birdie poem and video. BUT NOW! I have revived this blog after 3 years absence-Like a phoenix rising from the flames I present to you Dragonfly Dreams! A blog dedicated to poetry written by me, but I won't just be providing poetry, but also some interesting encouraging and empowering quotes of my own creation to bring light into the lives of the readers who come and see my page. :) SO be ready because the magic is about to be unleashed.